Ever had that feeling like something has cracked inside of you? I've been feeling like that lately to be honest with you, and I really don't but kind of do know whats going on. I think it has to do with stress and some other deep down problems I guess you could say. The stress of my friends wedding; like for instance the dress I have to fit my fat ass into, I guess I'll be getting a lot spanx! Then there is the cake, man can you say nerve racking! Oh and lets put on top of all this everything else. You need an explanation first I guess, David got his orders and we are going to Fort Stewart, Georgia. Yes, Georgia of all places, no where near where we thought we would get, but oh well I guess that's the Army huh? Well now we have to look into a new home, packing everything, and trying to start all over. I know this is what we signed up for but still does it really get any easier? Don't get me wrong I'm excited to be going somewhere new and taking another step in our adventure together, but its kind of draining and I've still got a couple of months. David and I have decided that I need to go back to school, well more David pushing me to go back, so now I got to try and find a school and that is a little worrysome also! I've been out of school for about a year now and super nervous to go back.
Then also I'm not doing the Revolution, I wish I was but I don't think I can. I really wanted to but I didn't have any help. I'll get to my goal with help from family and friends, I did it once before and I'll do it now. The only problem I guess is that I'm super unhappy with myself so Its making my life and emotions a wreck and I feel like its putting a burden on us, but David being the sweet heart he is loves me for every pound that I am. I'm super lucky to have a man that loves me for me, I wish I could love me for me as much as he does though. He did say something that is bothering me but I know that its because he wants whats best for us, but it still kind of hurts because it changes what we have been talking about for the last couple of months. I love him and I always will, so I'll get over it.
On a happier note David and I adopted this great new addition to our family. A cute 6 year old red Dauschund named Jake! Also those of you who are readers from California, I'll be there in five days!!!!!!!! Exciting huh?

On a happier note David and I adopted this great new addition to our family. A cute 6 year old red Dauschund named Jake! Also those of you who are readers from California, I'll be there in five days!!!!!!!! Exciting huh?
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