Okay so for those of you who follow me on Facebook and on here noticed that I asked you guys what you would like me to talk about in my next post well here we go; thanks to a miss Renee we are going to talk babies! By the way Happy Birthday my dear friend, hope you have a great day and the boys spoil you.

As a little girl growing up I always knew I wanted a big family; probably because it was only my younger sister and myself. I always wanted more siblings but it just wasn't one of those things that was meant to be. Being the oldest I always fantasized about having a brother, I wanted someone to protect me from the world, but instead I got a sister! (Love ya) About the time I turned eight maybe even nine, my younger cousins were born, well the really young ones, and I just loved how cute and cuddly they were. I could make them smile and laugh at almost anything, and they were just so sweet and innocent. Thanks to my Aunt she helped me figure out what to do and what I should never do. I remember one day about seven months probably after my baby boy cousin was born him sitting in one of those great bouncy seats and just sitting there for an hour making him laugh and giggle at the most ridiculous things, and not having a care in the world. I got to change, feed, and play with him; to me that little baby will always be the little brother I never got and I will always love him. I believe my maternal side kicked in around that time, I started baby sitting any time I could and working in the church nursery every Sunday of every church we went to. I love kids! So like I was saying; we want a big, loud, and loving family! Four is our minimum; you see we both grew up with just one sibling, so we want lots of kids. It is funny because David and I were talking about our future this last Sunday and David was saying something about six, and I turned and was like "what?" He said, "well you never know there are always the ones that you never plan for that happen!" I just turned gave him a kiss on the cheek and laughed.
The time old argument huh; Boys or Girls? Well this has been a thing with us for a while now; I would like a little boy first, probably because like I said I never had a brother, well David wants a little girl first, because he never had a sister. So we have come to the conclusion that we want two boys and two girls; and yes we know that is a possibility that could never happen, but we can dream right? On our honeymoon we came up with names; yes we are dorks! You ready? You have to understand that David came up with the boys and I came up with the girls; and they are all original. First boy would be Theodore (Theo or Leo) Thomas and James Kirk, while the first little red headed girl would be Rose Arabella and the second little girl would be Athena Layla. Yes I know very unique, but David and I are very unique so why not our future children, especially since they would be from our DNA; creepy I know! Speaking of DNA we have no idea what color hair or eyes they will have and here is why. They could be blonde (David's blonde), Burnett (my Dad's family has dark hair; Italian blood), and then Red (my hair color and my mom's side). As for Eyes they could be grey, green, blue, brown, or even hazel! So its going to be a gamble, I keep telling David we are going to have our kids and have one of each hair color and someone is going to stop us and ask if the dark hair baby is even David's! When that day comes around I know that we will probably just laugh our heads off.
I want to have a natural birth if possibly; and I hope I will since my hips are huge and will never get smaller! Breast feeding is a yes for me, I think those make-shift blankets that go around your neck were like the best invention instead of having to mess with a real blanket. When we have our first girl it will be a light pink and and green combination, while the first boy will be a light green and a nice sky blue. Then for the seconds of each I will take our the green's and put in brown, I love those color combinations. Those are the things that I know for sure we are both wanting, everything else; I think once we did get pregnant I would sit down and do all my research and talk it over with my hubby and see what is best for us and the little one.
Now I know most of you are thinking; "okay now that we have read this, is it a sign that she is pregnant?" Sorry to disappoint, but no. We aren't pregnant, don't get us wrong, we want a family; but right now we want to both finish our college educations, spend more time as a married couple, and maybe even see more of the world, take a couple more impulsive trips like cruises or even just packing up the car and driving. I know that David will be an amazing dad; always caring, loving, and never letting go, he is already great with little kids and I can't wait for that moment in the hospital when he holds our first bundle of joy in his arms and is totally taken away by just everything.

I want to have a natural birth if possibly; and I hope I will since my hips are huge and will never get smaller! Breast feeding is a yes for me, I think those make-shift blankets that go around your neck were like the best invention instead of having to mess with a real blanket. When we have our first girl it will be a light pink and and green combination, while the first boy will be a light green and a nice sky blue. Then for the seconds of each I will take our the green's and put in brown, I love those color combinations. Those are the things that I know for sure we are both wanting, everything else; I think once we did get pregnant I would sit down and do all my research and talk it over with my hubby and see what is best for us and the little one.