In a world filled with billions of people is it possible to feel absolutely alone? Yes, obviously I'm not feeling myself lately, I wish I could feel more myself, but with all the stuff going on I kind of feel down. Its that point where you realize that you wish you were 5 and you used to fight your parents on taking a nap just because you were all "grown up" and going to school. Well guess what, I wish I could take that nap and wake up in about two months once we have moved and I've got everything unpacked and David is actually living at home and we are in each others arms at night, every night of every day. I'm grateful for my husband and what time I get to see him, I'm grateful he isn't all the way across the world in a different country for months on end. What hurts the most, and every military spouse knows this; is after you have dropped them off coming home to a home without them, its as if part of your heart is being broken with every time that happens. We were talking about this yesterday, and we have decided that me moving here and spending thousands of dollars on bills (all the part of growing up) each month was worth every penny instead of staying back in Ripon. Why you might ask? Well to be honest it has saved our marriage, I know a lot of couples go through years of seperation because of the military and I'm grateful for every single one of them, but we really needed this after being married for so little time. I'm grateful for my husband every day of the week, hour, minute and second. I love him and everything he does for me, and I will always stand by him!
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