A special shout out to all my military significant others:
I know how hard it can be to stand by your Soldier, Marine, Airman, Sailor, etc, but I want to thank all of you for putting up a Hell of a fight for the ones you love. All of you know as well I do that putting up with the military BS is harder than it looks and the easiest people to talk to are ones who are going through the same situations. The thing is, we live a hard life of deployments, training, financial difficulties, night terrors, PTSD, loneliness, and so much more, but by sticking by our loved ones the reward is so much greater than the tribulations! That first time you see them after graduating basic, or getting off the plane from a long deployment, in a land far away. That one minute of being in their arms, its like the world has stopped and all there is is the two of you in that moment. As military wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends; we live for that one moment, the months apart, phone calls, letters, and Skype from thousands of miles, its all worth it for that one minute together. No body really understands that except for those who have lived it or are living it. So I thank all of my girls who are dealing with a deployment at the moment or are separated because of the service, Nicolle, Miranda, and Chealsey. Rock on! HOOAH!
Today I made an appointment for Jake for on Monday so that he can get his Rabies shot updated and get a check up. Also here in about a couple of hours we are going to go to the Georgia DMV and transfer from being California citizens to "Georgiaians!" I'm a little nervous but I know we will be fine, what we are going to get done exactly is switch over our drivers licenses and get new plates for the car and in doing so hopefully we can get the car put in both our names instead of just mine! Wish us luck!
Dear Kaitlyn and other reader~
I'm sorry for not posting any baking recipes or anything foody for a while. My excuse is that my mixer is a piece of sh*t and I'm dying to have a Kitchen Aid one so that I can bake to my hearts content! I even went out and bough souffle dishes because I've been dying to make some! Right now I have a couple of ones on ebay being watched, since that would be cheaper than having to pay full price. Yes, Aunt Yvonne, I have looked at Goodwills but none of the ones I have checked have had one. On some good news on that front, since I'll be going to school for that here soon, hopefully here in about six months I will have started those classes and can give lots of pointers and such. I'm sorry for asking you to have some more patience, but that is all I can do at the moment.
With love,
Curvy Army Wife
P.S.~If you have suggestions or anything that you would like to see on the blog then feel free to let me know on my Facebook page or through a private message. Like if you don't like the back ground or the color schemes for the moment feel free to put in your in-put.
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