So today is a week into our 30 day challenge, I'm super excited, though to be honest I have been slacking a lot this week since it has been the 4th of July weekend. Having a soldier as a husband has its benefits when it comes to becoming healthy, once you ask for help of course! He has a plan for me; for example, eating every two-three hours a day of small meals, well except for a big breakfast. Then trying to workout every so many times a day; like for instance deep cleaning the apartment today, and doing a session of Zumba or maybe going to the gym here and working on some strength training, and some adult "exercise" that is great for burning calories. With his help I'm sure I can accomplish anything with him at my side!
For this afternoon I've already done two loads of dishes in the dish washer, and picked up some stuff so doesn't look as cluttered, but I still have to vacuum, dust, laundry, and a huge scrub down of both the kitchen and the bathroom. I think I might have David do the laundry (except fold and put away) and also take out the trash, I think I can do everything else myself.
Some news on the Georgia front: First; Daniel has gone home!!!!!!!!! YAY! I can actually sleep through the night without going out to tell the little rascal to be quite at 3 a.m. Don't get me wrong I love my Brother-in-law to death, but man do I love my sleep, plus especially when David has to be up at 4:30 to drive to work for PT in the morning, I kind of get protective!
David started work in the "shop" this last week and half with his unit and they have taken us under their wings, which I'm thoroughly thankful for. The "shop" is the small group of 94H's (David's MOS) who make up a group of about eight men who are all nerds just like David and like to get into as much shenanigans, so in lame-mans terms the next couple of years should be quite interesting. On a some what positive note I know that when he does deploy I trust these men that he will be in good hands, which can be highest honor any Army wife can give.
Not just have the guys taken David in so have their wives, they have taken us both in, including myself. I'm super excited to have started to make friends with four wonderful women! Just this last week we had a 4th of July celebration at one of their houses and went to the see the free concert on post all together. Then on Friday it was one of the ladies birthday's so we went out for dinner and then a sports bar, where we had SOOO much fun! Last night to top it off we went and set off illegal fireworks and had a great BBQ. So I do have to say that I'm happy that we have been welcomed with open arms.
So for all of those who have been dying for pictures of our apartment, I have not totally let you down. You see I took some pictures and tried emailing them to myself but for some reason I think they got lost in cyberspace some where. So I'm going to try here in a couple days again and see if I can get it to work. Hopefully if I don't try and send so many in one email at a time I might be able to get it function and corporate with me.
Im glad you're making friends! Sounds like a lot of fun. :)