Hi everyone, I would like to apologize for taking off my last post, even though a lot of you enjoyed it and said I should keep it up. I took it down for a couple of reasons, none of them having to do with Joeschmo1992's comment on that post. No the reason I took it down was because the way things are now in our society, I didn't want to take the chance of this affecting a current or future job/career for either David or myself. Which seriously disgusts me to the core, and here is the reason why. Including myself I have five friends whose husbands are in the armed forces and countless friends, they are here to defend our freedoms and rights in this country from anything foreign or domestic. So if MY OWN husband is doing this for me, when did it become that I can't write what I WANT, all because it offends someone. Well to be honest those people have the right to tell me what they think and that I shouldn't have written it, but when did it come down that I have to accommodate them. They didn't treat me with any respect and say it with some respect so where are my writes to say what I want. When did it come down to the fact that if you offend someone that you have to bend to their wants to make them feel better. It comes back to employers asking for the password of their future employees for their Facebook accounts! Where did that right go for the American people? That was the whole foundation for us declaring our independence, we did it with the freedom of speech! So why can't I do it now? Yes I was a tad pissed off to be honest, but I'm calm now. What really bothered me was that the post was not bad at all, I gave everyone plenty of warning ahead of time and second it wasn't even as bad as the magazine I love; Cosmopolitan, or as bad as media does in all of the commercials, TV shows, or Movies. I guess to keep everyone happy I will be more careful of what I post from now on. If you don't like something you read then fine, if it upsets you enough then don't read my blog anymore, but I will try and keep everyone in mind when I decide to write something out of the box. Hope everyone has a great day!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like all I'm doing is setting myself up for failure by trying to lose weight and look a certain way. I know that I will never be a tiny, but the sad part is I keep trying to have the image in my head that I will be that small but I know that I wont! I tell people that but the hardest part is trying to convince myself. I think maybe me going on the Revolution might help. UGH..........why is this so hard! All I want to do is be negative but I know I should cut myself a break since I've lost some inches but still! Why is this so hard? I'm so frustrated at the moment! The sad part is that this has been a life long battle with me and I just try to stay motivated. Why is it so hard to lose the weight or inches but so easy to put it on?
Well I guess I have to be positive in some way, so here is this months measurements:
Weight-200 lbs (+4 lbs)
Bust-42" (same)
Waist-36" (same)
Hips-46" (-2")
Thighs-23" (-12")
Arms-16" (+2")
I've been contemplating for a while whether or not I should tell you all about this but then I realized that the more I'm honest with you on here the more I'm honest with myself. Like I said before I'm not happy with where I am at entirely and I need to take responsibility for my actions and so here are the consequences. Yes, I gained 4 lbs and I'm furious and extremely disappointed with myself at the moment. As for the measurements I'm happy my boobs have stayed the same because to be honest, well, I LOVE MY GIRLS! Well and also so does David, hahahaha! (sorry to any of my family, but come on, we are married) I'm thrilled about losing 2" off of my hips, to be honest my tightest work pants and jeans have been fitting a little better. As for my thighs I'm more shocked than anything, I wasn't expecting that at all, but it does make sense. My arms have always been a weak point so I'm not surprised, I'll have to work on it eventually. Now to be more accountable for my actions here we go............I haven't been working out as much as I should of, drinking water has been very low, its been more soda than anything, and last but not least I've been eating more junk food and fast food than I have in a really long time. I know bad Michelle!
So to turn this around I'm going to slowly try and change these bad habits into good ones. First more water and less soda! I've noticed lately at the gym that I feel more tired, worn out and not running as well as I used to, so while I was working out I noticed on the TV that it was saying that if you aren't drinking enough water you can be a little dehydrated which will hinder you in your work out! So more WATER!
Goodnight everyone, thank you for reading this and supporting me in what ways you can, I do appreciate it! Now to go wallow and try not to cry!
Well I guess I have to be positive in some way, so here is this months measurements:
Weight-200 lbs (+4 lbs)
Bust-42" (same)
Waist-36" (same)
Hips-46" (-2")
Thighs-23" (-12")
Arms-16" (+2")
I've been contemplating for a while whether or not I should tell you all about this but then I realized that the more I'm honest with you on here the more I'm honest with myself. Like I said before I'm not happy with where I am at entirely and I need to take responsibility for my actions and so here are the consequences. Yes, I gained 4 lbs and I'm furious and extremely disappointed with myself at the moment. As for the measurements I'm happy my boobs have stayed the same because to be honest, well, I LOVE MY GIRLS! Well and also so does David, hahahaha! (sorry to any of my family, but come on, we are married) I'm thrilled about losing 2" off of my hips, to be honest my tightest work pants and jeans have been fitting a little better. As for my thighs I'm more shocked than anything, I wasn't expecting that at all, but it does make sense. My arms have always been a weak point so I'm not surprised, I'll have to work on it eventually. Now to be more accountable for my actions here we go............I haven't been working out as much as I should of, drinking water has been very low, its been more soda than anything, and last but not least I've been eating more junk food and fast food than I have in a really long time. I know bad Michelle!

Goodnight everyone, thank you for reading this and supporting me in what ways you can, I do appreciate it! Now to go wallow and try not to cry!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Military wives
I would seriously like to thank all the military wives who have their own personal businesses, not like me who works a job, this is different. What amazes me is that some of these women do this on top of having an actual job, managing the household, having a husband and kids. Plus some of these husbands are away on deployment or training which is all the more amiable. If I could be as crafty or have the the faith that a business would thrive right now then I would do it! Still some of these women are extremely talented, like for instance Kacey; who is the proud owner of Pearls to Dogtags. She makes these amazing bows for your hair or even head bands not only for you but also for your kids if you would like. I love her bows because they are military themed but she also has others that are great for someone who just wants something cute to put in their hair for the day. If you would like to check her out you can find her on my Facebook page in my likes or even just go to this page and like her page; http://www.facebook.com/PearlsToDogtags.

Both my friends Aileen and Miranda do Scentsy which I have to say is a great product! Scentsy is a flame less candle that you get to put into a decorative holder and put a light bulb under it and it burns the wax down and releases its aroma into the air to take away any odors in the atmosphere. Plus the scents are freakin amazing and I have to say that holder are really cute. If you interested in possibly getting some let me know and I'll direct you to these wonderful ladies.
These woman are great and are doing wonderful things with what time they have while they husbands int he military. I think they are also doing it because they might need something to keep them busy on lousy days. So if you feel in the mood for spoiling yourself try and see if you can find an military significant other who is selling their hobby. Instead of buying locally, buy for your country, WOW that was cheesy. Well night all!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I can fix it......

I'm tired but I'm going to continue to finish watching an awesome all time great movie; Kate and Leopold. So I will talk to you all tomorrow! Oh and tomorrow I'm thinking of getting some new running shoes since my feet are starting to kill me at work and getting blisters while working, any ideas on some good ones I should get that under $100!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Great Mood
Well first good morning everyone who is an avid reader, I hope you are all having a great day, if not stay strong I'm here for you no matter what time of day it is, even at 2 a.m., I will get my Curvy butt out of my warm bed to answer my phone. Now that has been put out in the air I would like to say that so far this week has been okay, I'm in a good mood and I've been keeping busy as much as possible. Bad news I haven't heard from David in about 2 days, something is going on over there and to be honest I'm a little worried. I know that its probably alright but I'm still worried, for those who know me I'm a worry wort. I'm very grateful for getting to talk to him when I can and see him on the weekends when they don't revoke his pass.
Now on a different note I would like to welcome my special friends Kat and Aileen to the wonderful world of blogging, both are like me married/soon-to-be married to awesome Military men. So I would like to welcome you both and I'm following you both, whether its with your blogs or in real life, Love you both!
As I'm writing this for you all I'm watching the View and part way through the program they had an announcement about Disney. Walt Disney company is looking to hire about 1000 US veterans into the company in a program called "Heroes Work Here." I support their decision to the fullest, most people don't think about how hard it is for Veterans to come home from a hard deployment and try to transition into the civilian world, plus not only that they have spent a good part of their adult life learning a career and doing that job day after day and then to come home and apply somewhere and be told your not qualified. Its one my biggest pet peeves, to be honest if a soldier can be in the military has an EMT or a nurse or even an electrician and be told you aren't qualified even though you are probably more qualified than anyone there because you have the years worth of experience! Thank you Disney for realizing what soldiers do for our company and come home and not get a chance when they come home!
Come tomorrow I'm going to be uploading some pictures of the pre-wedding cake trial for my friend Kat's wedding, so that means stay tuned! Have a great day everyone!
Now on a different note I would like to welcome my special friends Kat and Aileen to the wonderful world of blogging, both are like me married/soon-to-be married to awesome Military men. So I would like to welcome you both and I'm following you both, whether its with your blogs or in real life, Love you both!

Come tomorrow I'm going to be uploading some pictures of the pre-wedding cake trial for my friend Kat's wedding, so that means stay tuned! Have a great day everyone!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Coming Home
The show Coming Home just aired its season 2 episode opener here on the east coast. Its a great show on LMN, where soldiers of every different branch share there stories of coming home to their loved ones and surprising them in the process. I think the network did a great job of opening up the new season with a Raiders Nations surprise. Now I wont give it all away tonight for those on the west coast who it hasn't aired for yet, but it was a tear jerker for sure! If you have never seen the show before I would say you need to, but make sure you have some tissues with you, they will be happy tears though. I could see David and I doing this to either of our families when he is coming home or even when we have our own family us doing it to our future kids. As long as he doesn't do it to me, because I will be a total mess! I do have to say though that while they are away you always wonder if that is going to happen to you. As a matter of fact an Army wife friend of mine; Miranda, had that happen to her this last Christmas while her husband was at AIT, he just popped in on her and her in-laws! You hope it never happens to you, especially if you don't like surprises, but this kind of surprise I guess I would be some what okay with. Now no ideas people, David doesn't need any help, I'm pretty sure he could do this all by himself without any help from you all!

Friday, March 2, 2012
My Big News.......
Okay so first I have to say that I'm happy to be back, its been a busy week. Now I know for those of you who read this as well as my Facebook posts your probably getting a little antsy as to whats going on. So here is a deal I'll make with you all, what I tell you is a secret, so no going posting it on Facebook or telling it to people who will tell others. I don't want this to get out, and two I don't want to jinx it. Also to the clear the air before I start I'm not pregnant, which I'm going to bring up later on!!!
Now for my big news. Have any of you seen the show the Revolution? Well its this great talk show that is on ABC that started in January. Well the purpose of the show is to change peoples lives, but through life-style changes; like motivation, health, sex life, fashion style, and weight loss. The show has this segment called Our Hero's, this is to show how women/men change their lives in weight loss through a 5 month period but its shown in a weeks time. Well about a month ago I decided to get on the website and check it out and see if I could possibly do it. I entered my info, a picture from our wedding that I dislike and then did a summary of who I am and why I want to change so much. Well after I submitted it popped up with a window that said; "Thank you for applying, we get over thousands of entries......," plus more that I can't totally remember, something along the line that basically don't be surprised if you never hear back from us. About 2 weeks later I got an email that said they were doing casting calls down in LA and Atlanta, to be honest I'm to far away from there so I didn't go. After some time I just forgot all about it, well to my shock and total astonishment I open my email yesterday morning and I have a surprise of a life time. I got an email from the casting director saying that I made it to the next step of casting! So I have to make a DVD of myself, life, family, and why I want to lose weight. I'm nervous because I never thought this would actually happen, like I said I forgot all about it. So that is why I want to keep it on the down low, I don't want to people jumping to conclusions, and plus if it doesn't happen then its better if less people actually know? So there you all are......
Now for my rant........ITS NO ONES BUSINESS AS TO WHETHER OR NOT WE ARE PREGNANT! Alright I get tired of people asking whether or not I'm pregnant every time I say something mysterious. Just because we are married doesn't mean we are going to get pregnant right away, and even if we did that is a decision between my husband and I, not our parents, families or our friends. I understand you might think you might know whats best, but that is for us to decide and for us to discover on our own. So just leave it alone please, we will tell you all when we know if we are.
Well everyone have a great night, if your not a follower and you want to comment on something I put on here either put it on Facebook post or get an account so you can officially be a follower. :)

Now for my rant........ITS NO ONES BUSINESS AS TO WHETHER OR NOT WE ARE PREGNANT! Alright I get tired of people asking whether or not I'm pregnant every time I say something mysterious. Just because we are married doesn't mean we are going to get pregnant right away, and even if we did that is a decision between my husband and I, not our parents, families or our friends. I understand you might think you might know whats best, but that is for us to decide and for us to discover on our own. So just leave it alone please, we will tell you all when we know if we are.
Well everyone have a great night, if your not a follower and you want to comment on something I put on here either put it on Facebook post or get an account so you can officially be a follower. :)
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