Okay so first I have to say that I'm happy to be back, its been a busy week. Now I know for those of you who read this as well as my Facebook posts your probably getting a little antsy as to whats going on. So here is a deal I'll make with you all, what I tell you is a secret, so no going posting it on Facebook or telling it to people who will tell others. I don't want this to get out, and two I don't want to jinx it. Also to the clear the air before I start I'm not pregnant, which I'm going to bring up later on!!!
Now for my big news. Have any of you seen the show the Revolution? Well its this great talk show that is on ABC that started in January. Well the purpose of the show is to change peoples lives, but through life-style changes; like motivation, health, sex life, fashion style, and weight loss. The show has this segment called Our Hero's, this is to show how women/men change their lives in weight loss through a 5 month period but its shown in a weeks time. Well about a month ago I decided to get on the website and check it out and see if I could possibly do it. I entered my info, a picture from our wedding that I dislike and then did a summary of who I am and why I want to change so much. Well after I submitted it popped up with a window that said; "Thank you for applying, we get over thousands of entries......," plus more that I can't totally remember, something along the line that basically don't be surprised if you never hear back from us. About 2 weeks later I got an email that said they were doing casting calls down in LA and Atlanta, to be honest I'm to far away from there so I didn't go. After some time I just forgot all about it, well to my shock and total astonishment I open my email yesterday morning and I have a surprise of a life time. I got an email from the casting director saying that I made it to the next step of casting! So I have to make a DVD of myself, life, family, and why I want to lose weight. I'm nervous because I never thought this would actually happen, like I said I forgot all about it. So that is why I want to keep it on the down low, I don't want to people jumping to conclusions, and plus if it doesn't happen then its better if less people actually know? So there you all are......
Now for my rant........ITS NO ONES BUSINESS AS TO WHETHER OR NOT WE ARE PREGNANT! Alright I get tired of people asking whether or not I'm pregnant every time I say something mysterious. Just because we are married doesn't mean we are going to get pregnant right away, and even if we did that is a decision between my husband and I, not our parents, families or our friends. I understand you might think you might know whats best, but that is for us to decide and for us to discover on our own. So just leave it alone please, we will tell you all when we know if we are.
Well everyone have a great night, if your not a follower and you want to comment on something I put on here either put it on Facebook post or get an account so you can officially be a follower. :)

Now for my rant........ITS NO ONES BUSINESS AS TO WHETHER OR NOT WE ARE PREGNANT! Alright I get tired of people asking whether or not I'm pregnant every time I say something mysterious. Just because we are married doesn't mean we are going to get pregnant right away, and even if we did that is a decision between my husband and I, not our parents, families or our friends. I understand you might think you might know whats best, but that is for us to decide and for us to discover on our own. So just leave it alone please, we will tell you all when we know if we are.
Well everyone have a great night, if your not a follower and you want to comment on something I put on here either put it on Facebook post or get an account so you can officially be a follower. :)
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