The show Coming Home just aired its season 2 episode opener here on the east coast. Its a great show on LMN, where soldiers of every different branch share there stories of coming home to their loved ones and surprising them in the process. I think the network did a great job of opening up the new season with a Raiders Nations surprise. Now I wont give it all away tonight for those on the west coast who it hasn't aired for yet, but it was a tear jerker for sure! If you have never seen the show before I would say you need to, but make sure you have some tissues with you, they will be happy tears though. I could see David and I doing this to either of our families when he is coming home or even when we have our own family us doing it to our future kids. As long as he doesn't do it to me, because I will be a total mess! I do have to say though that while they are away you always wonder if that is going to happen to you. As a matter of fact an Army wife friend of mine; Miranda, had that happen to her this last Christmas while her husband was at AIT, he just popped in on her and her in-laws! You hope it never happens to you, especially if you don't like surprises, but this kind of surprise I guess I would be some what okay with. Now no ideas people, David doesn't need any help, I'm pretty sure he could do this all by himself without any help from you all!

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