So as I was saying before I worked on my friends trail wedding cake today since it was my day off, well after staying up until 2 a.m. yesterday just baking the cake and trying a buttercream recipe (which epically failed) I finally finished backing of total of 3 tiers. Then this morning and all afternoon I made a new recipe of buttercream and assembled the cake and decorated it. In the process of everything I managed to slice open my finger with a pocket knife trying to get wooden dowels to the right size for support of the cake. Yup its pretty nasty and hurts like crap. No, I'm not putting a picture up of my cut finger, that would be disgusting. Well anyways as an aspiring baker and professional chef I like to learn to do new things and techniques and watch ingredients start out as one thing and then be combined to something else and be totally amazed at how they mix together. For example it was just some much fun to just see normal butter and three cups of powdered sugar sit in a bowl and then after about three minutes of mixing it on medium its turns into a creamy mixture, it was just amazing how it all turned out. I have learned a couple of things today on how to make the wedding cake better. First I have to make the frosting thicker so that when I put the second layer of frosting over the "crumb frosting" it still wont show any of the cake crumbs. Second I learned that I got to find a better way of cutting the dowels (duh, finger) and placing them so that the cake has a better balance and doesn't look uneven. I just hope that the cake turns out great the day of, at least I have all the equipment and I know now how to use most of it! Oh and third I now know that I need to be better organized with all of the ingredients and the prep, I might be able to shave off a couple of hours. But here is a picture for you all, if your not a follower on here but you still read, comment on Facebook, I would love your honest opinions.
I'm tired but I'm going to continue to finish watching an awesome all time great movie; Kate and Leopold. So I will talk to you all tomorrow! Oh and tomorrow I'm thinking of getting some new running shoes since my feet are starting to kill me at work and getting blisters while working, any ideas on some good ones I should get that under $100!
I think its a great start! ...except for the whole cutting your finger. I hope that heals. Im excited!