Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Okay so for those of you who follow me on Facebook and on here noticed that I asked you guys what you would like me to talk about in my next post well here we go; thanks to a miss Renee we are going to talk babies!  By the way Happy Birthday my dear friend, hope you have a great day and the boys spoil you.

As a little girl growing up I always knew I wanted a big family; probably because it was only my younger sister and myself.  I always wanted more siblings but it just wasn't one of those things that was meant to be.  Being the oldest I always fantasized about having a brother, I wanted someone to protect me from the world, but instead I got a sister!  (Love ya)  About the time I turned eight maybe even nine, my younger cousins were born, well the really young ones, and I just loved how cute and cuddly they were.  I could make them smile and laugh at almost anything, and they were just so sweet and innocent. Thanks to my Aunt she helped me figure out what to do and what I should never do.  I remember one day about seven months probably after my baby boy cousin was born him sitting in one of those great bouncy seats and just sitting there for an hour making him laugh and giggle at the most ridiculous things, and not having a care in the world.  I got to change, feed, and play with him; to me that little baby will always be the little brother I never got and I will always love him.  I believe my maternal side kicked in around that time, I started baby sitting any time I could and working in the church nursery every Sunday of every church we went to.  I love kids!  So like I was saying; we want a big, loud, and loving family!  Four is our minimum; you see we both grew up with just one sibling, so we want lots of kids.  It is funny because David and I were talking about our future this last Sunday and David was saying something about six, and I turned and was like "what?"  He said, "well you never know there are always the ones that you never plan for that happen!"  I just turned gave him a kiss on the cheek and laughed.

The time old argument huh; Boys or Girls?  Well this has been a thing with us for a while now; I would like a little boy first, probably because like I said I never had a brother, well David wants a little girl first, because he never had a sister.  So we have come to the conclusion that we want two boys and two girls; and yes we know that is a possibility that could never happen, but we can dream right?  On our honeymoon we came up with names; yes we are dorks!  You ready?  You have to understand that David came up with the boys and I came up with the girls; and they are all original.  First boy would be Theodore (Theo or Leo) Thomas and James Kirk, while the first little red headed girl would be Rose Arabella and the second little girl would be Athena Layla.  Yes I know very unique, but David and I are very unique so why not our future children, especially since they would be from our DNA; creepy I know!  Speaking of DNA we have no idea what color hair or eyes they will have and here is why.  They could be blonde (David's blonde), Burnett (my Dad's family has dark hair; Italian blood), and then Red (my hair color and my mom's side).  As for Eyes they could be grey, green, blue, brown, or even hazel!  So its going to be a gamble, I keep telling David we are going to have our kids and have one of each hair color and someone is going to stop us and ask if the dark hair baby is even David's!  When that day comes around I know that we will probably just laugh our heads off.

I want to have a natural birth if possibly; and I hope I will since my hips are huge and will never get smaller!  Breast feeding is a yes for me, I think those make-shift blankets that go around your neck were like the best invention instead of having to mess with a real blanket.  When we have our first girl it will be a light pink and and green combination, while the first boy will be a light green and a nice sky blue.  Then for the seconds of each I will take our the green's and put in brown, I love those color combinations.  Those are the things that I know for sure we are both wanting, everything else; I think once we did get pregnant I would sit down and do all my research and talk it over with my hubby and see what is best for us and the little one. 

Now I know most of you are thinking; "okay now that we have read this, is it a sign that she is pregnant?"  Sorry to disappoint, but no.  We aren't pregnant, don't get us wrong, we want a family; but right now we want to both finish our college educations, spend more time as a married couple, and maybe even see more of the world, take a couple more impulsive trips like cruises or even just packing up the car and driving.  I know that David will be an amazing dad; always caring, loving, and never letting go, he is already great with little kids and I can't wait for that moment in the hospital when he holds our first bundle of joy in his arms and is totally taken away by just everything.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I guess you could say that I have had a little bit of a triumph over the last month.  When I got home from California I had kind of fallen into a kind of depression you could say; very grumpy, never wanting to do much of anything.  Well over the past couple of weeks I have gotten better, mainly because I have been able to see family.  No, not necessarily do I mean jumping on a plane, but through a very handy invention called Skype.  Talking with family has been such a great help to me over the past couple of weeks.  I'm not sure what I would have done without them, I feel so great and I am eternally grateful to these wonderful people.  You know who you are and I do thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you all know that. 

I'm super excited that we have less than a month before David graduates from AIT and my 20th birthday!  As I tell people, David and I don't feel like our actual ages to be honest.  Sometimes I truly do feel about 23 or older some days.  I know some of you think we are still kids and don't have any idea what we are talking about half the time, but the great thing about growing up is that you experience life and everything changes over time.  I do have to say though that I have experienced more in this last year than most of the young adults that I graduated with in 2010, which I have to say seems like a lifetime ago.  I also commend my fellow friends who have also gone down the same road I have and I'm sure have experienced some kind of judgement; whether it be from friends, family members, or even complete strangers.  We know that it isn't in our time for people our age to get married at 19,20, or even 21.  Now a days to be honest its actually not until most people are at least 25+ and they have stable lives with a career and such.  I know I didn't follow that guideline and that most people probably think that I'm naive and that we will be another statistic, but the more people say that the harder I try to prove them wrong, and guess what I will do everything in my power to do so. 

So with David's graduation looming around the corner it also means that we are getting quite close to having to move to Georgia!  I'm wondering how that will go to be honest?  You see some of our belonging are still back in California, and because I moved out here on our dime I'm wondering how the PCS move is going to go.  You see I was told once that the Army went by where the sponsors spouses lived, well I found out that its actually quite the opposite, they go based off of where your soldier is.  So we have a feeling that they might go with where David's last home was, even though I was included on his orders for Virginia, so we will see how this goes shall we, either way I have plan which is like a must, always have a back up.  I'm super proud of David and everything he has accomplished over the last year.  He is absolutely amazing and I love him to death!

What on everyone's mind?  Anything you would like me talk about?  If you do you can send me a private message or put it on the link that I post with each new "article" on here.  Talk to me, let me know whats happening with you.........Night all!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Its Official

Before I get started, I wanted to thank everyone who participated in my weekend question last week, I had fun reading your guys plans and responding!  You are all great readers!

Today I made it official and gave my two weeks notice at work!  I think when we move down to Georgia I'm going to try to find a waitress job.  First because I'm done with Hardware for the moment, I'm tired of trying to help customers and they look at me like I don't know anything because I'm a woman, well guess what I have learned quite a few things and tricks from my two years at an ACE Hardware store!  I may not specifics but obviously I know enough to help a customer get what he/she needs or at least point them in the right direction.  Two, since I want to own a restaurant then I think it would be a wise decision to at least know how to waitress, so that when I do have my own place I can at least know how my employees feel and I can relate to them.  Third, I could probably make more money and put my people-person personality to its fullest potential!  Part of me would like the Mom&Pop shop, interesting people to meet and that is the type of place we want to have.  Well anyways I'm glad that I'm almost done at ACE, I'm going to miss all my friends, but man the customers are just right down rude most of the time!

So one of my friends from work took me Sam's Club for the first time ever!  Yes, I know its almost exactly like a Costco, which I have been to like a million time, but still she took me there and I bought three Disney Classics.  If we haven't established this yet lets get to it; I'm a Disney FANATIC!  Anyways I bought Lady and the Tramp; which I haven't seen in years, Beauty and the Beast and Bambi; both of those because they are going back into the vault and by the time they probably come out again I will already have kids and I would like my kids to experience Disney to the fullest!  I know I'm a dork, but come on!  One of my favorite Disney movies is Mulan, and I think that one is in the vault because I haven't seen that movie any where for years and I've been searching for it,  I've been dying to see it for about a year but I couldn't even find my copy.  I wonder what they are going to take out of the vault next, because I would really like to collect most of the classics!  This is how much a dork I am; back in California I have two books one is a 1975 1st edition Disney story book, its about 300 pages of all the Disney movies out at that time, some of timeless classic stories that weren't movies yet, and even some of the Mickey Mouse stories, then two years ago I came across a 1st edition Disney story book 2 at a yard sell.  This one was an updated version of all the movies out since the last book, and other timeless tales, it also was about 300 pages.  I wish I had my books! 

Well now time for our interactive part; go to the link on Facebook like last time and tell me what your favorite Disney movie/s are, or even your favorite kids movie!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Whats Happening with everyone......

I know I have more than the four official followers on here so, lets play a little game shall we, if you are reading this go back onto facebook and either "like" the link, or leave me a comment about what your plans are this weekend.  They don't have to be anything special it could be lounging around in your PJ's, seeing a movie, or even cleaning the house, I just want to do something interactive with all of you.  Well for myself this weekend David gets to come home for the first time in about three weeks, we hope anyways.  I have to work Saturday all day, but when I get home I think we might go out and see the new Avenger's movie or even Battleship.  Then Sunday we will probably do our usual or staying home in bed all morning, cooking together, then maybe even playing some video games together.  I'm hoping to possibly get him on Skype with some of my family so he can finally meet them. 

This last week I've been working more than I used to, which is nice but I still get some nice days off, next week I wont be working much again, but it will give me enough time to work on my new hobby.  I've been needing something new to keep me busy, so I've taken on two projects.  On both sides of my families I come from a long line of military men, so I'm going to make first a kind of scrapbook where I can take everyone's old military pictures and put there stories and there.  So that later on in life when David and I have kids we can show them all the pictures and they can see what their ancestors did for them, including their Dad.  Now my second project; I've been working on my families Genealogy!  Its been so much fun, I feel like I'm searching for buried treasure and solving a great mystery!  Like today so far I've discovered two Civil War soldiers, both from the Union side on both sides of my family, and I've only been working on it for three days, can you imagine what I could do in six months?!?!?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

In a world full of billions......

In a world filled with billions of people is it possible to feel absolutely alone?  Yes, obviously I'm not feeling myself lately, I wish I could feel more myself, but with all the stuff going on I kind of feel down.  Its that point where you realize that you wish you were 5 and you used to fight your parents on taking a nap just because you were all "grown up" and going to school.  Well guess what,  I wish I could take that nap and wake up in about two months once we have moved and I've got everything unpacked and David is actually living at home and we are in each others arms at night, every night of every day.  I'm grateful for my husband and what time I get to see him, I'm grateful he isn't all the way across the world in a different country for months on end.  What hurts the most, and every military spouse knows this; is after you have dropped them off coming home to a home without them, its as if part of your heart is being broken with every time that happens.  We were talking about this yesterday, and we have decided that me moving here and spending thousands of dollars on bills (all the part of growing up) each month was worth every penny instead of staying back in Ripon.  Why you might ask?  Well to be honest it has saved our marriage, I know a lot of couples go through years of seperation because of the military and I'm grateful for every single one of them, but we really needed this after being married for so little time.  I'm grateful for my husband every day of the week, hour, minute and second.  I love him and everything he does for me, and I will always stand by him!

Friday, May 4, 2012

What do you do?

The saying goes "If Life hands you lemons, then you make lemonade!"  Right?  I mean is that true?  You hear different versions of the saying all the time, both comedic and deep in the psyche.  Does it change with different walks of life's?  To be honest I think the saying applies to certain situations in life, but in others I think you get to decide what to do with those lemons Life hands you, like maybe just throw them back, or take them and throw them in the trash!  Why does it have to be lemons?  Why not Twinkies?  Trust me that would make most of the men in the world happy!  Seriously I like that saying better, "If Life hands you Twinkies, then deep fry them!"

If you can't tell, this week has been kind of a difficult one, probably because both David and I are in bad moods over the lack to time together, don't get me wrong we are happy with every minute we get.  I'm mainly stressing about having to move again here in about a month and a half and trying to finance that plus the possibility of going to California.  I know people want to see us and all, I would love to see family and friends again, but how do you expect us to do that and move again?  The thing is I'm not one of those people who just waits for life to hand me lemons, like my husband does, I'm planning for what life will hand me exactly, whether it be lemons, Twinkies or even crap.  I like to plan for those things and to be honest the Army just tells you when and where, yes I know; exactly what I was signing up for!  Guess what it really doesn't hit you until your sitting there in the middle of it trying to figure out what to do.  So yes, I'm a little stressed, but a year ago I couldn't have done this, I probably would have broken down into a corner crying. Now instead I pick myself up, wipe the dirt off and still plan for the next step in life the best we can.

On another front, your family is the most important thing anyone can have in their life, and not everyone is blessed with ones that I have surrounding me.  Even better I have multiple families, my blood family, my marital family, and the family I have adopted along the way; the family you choose to pick up along the way in life.  I made a mistake this week and I know I'll be living with it for a while, I wish every day since that I could take every moment of it back, but I can't.  But I do deserved my part of what went down and I know that. 

So what is everyone's plan for the weekend?  Tonight I'm going to go to the movies with some friends and see the Avenger's!  Oh yeah I get to party at the movies, I'm going to get a HUGE Icee and maybe splurge and get some popcorn.  Then tomorrow since its my day off if David gets a day pass (not likely, on lock down again) then we will probably have a party of our own here, and maybe see the movie.  If not then get some cleaning supplies for David and his roommates if they can't leave, then some laundry and cleaning, and then hanging with my other girlfriend.  Nothing like trying to stay busy as much as possible huh.